How to pronounce

German · Polish · Czech

In a tripoint region like ours, you often have to deal with different langugages. You cannot master all of them, but it is useful to know at least, how to pronounce foreign names. Since German, Polish and Czech have quite regular spellings, the following tables may suffice to get your pronounciation almost right.

The following letters are pronounced differently than in English, or do not exist in English:


Letter  is approximately pronounced like…
a are, uncle
ä head, back
au house
äu moisture
ch kh after a, o, or u;
otherwise it sounds like sh
e grey, neck
ei Mike
eu moisture
g great
i ski
j young
o open, often
ö turn, bird
qu kv
sch shake
u too, took
ü melon
v f or v
w v
z Fritz


Letter is approximately pronounced like…
ą over
c Fritz
cz check
ch, h kh
e neck
ę tell
ie yeah
i yeah if it stands before another vowel,
else like seek
j young
Ł, ł world
ń, ni onion
o often
ó too
rz see below at „ż“
sz sh
ś, si association
ć, ci tube
w veil
y melon
ż, rz budgie without the d sound
ź, zi similar to the previous;
exactly the voiced form of „ś“ and „si“


Letter is approximately pronounced like…
a uncle
á jar
c Fritz
č check
ch kh
ď nudge
e neck
é square
ě yeah
i seek
í eagle
j young
ň onion
o often
ó all
ou over
ř rolled r,
with a little sh-sound mixed in
š sh
ť tube
ů, úroom
v veil
y trick
ý stir
ž budgie without the d sound